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Lenkerband wickeln: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zeile 161: Zeile 161:
I (John Allen) am conducting an experiment. I have wound the tape a different way on each side, and will see which way works better. You may get an answer in the fullness of time. Or I may already have an answer: tension is more important -- see the second image blow.
I (John Allen) am conducting an experiment. I have wound the tape a different way on each side, and will see which way works better. You may get an answer in the fullness of time. Or I may already have an answer: tension is more important -- see the second image blow.

Wrong way! - but all in the interest of science
Falschherum! Alle im Sinne der Wissenschaft
Tape wound wrong way
[[Datei:Tape-wrongIMG 0648.JPG|center|Lenkerband falschherum gewickelt]]

Maybe it doesn't make any important difference!
Maybe it doesn't make any important difference!
