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Shimano Biopace ® Kettenblätter: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 26: Zeile 26:

Die Biopace Vermarkter hatten in Ihrer Einschätzung einen entscheidenden Fehler: Zu viele Informationen. Insbesondere erwähnten sie, dass das Biopace Design für Kadenzen um die 90 UPM und weniger optimiert sei. Viele Leser interpretierten hieraus, dass Biopace bei höheren Kadenzen stören könnte. Diese Wahrnehmung erzeugte eine Art selbsterfüllende Prohpezeihung und es entstand das allgemeine Wissen, dass Biopace aus diesem Grund schlecht für Leistungssportler sei. [[Sheldon Brown]] selsbt glaubte daran, fuhr aber dennoch Biopace Kettenblätter, weil er deren Vorzüge schätzte.

The marketers of Biopace made a crucial error of judgment: too much information. In particular, they mentioned that the Biopace design was optimized for cadences of about 90 rpm and slower. Many readers interpreted this as an indication that Biopace chainrings would somehow interfere with pedaling faster than that. This perception caused a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, and the Conventional Wisdom arose that Biopace was bad for high-performance cyclists for this reason. I [Sheldon] used to believe this myself, but I rode them anyway because I appreciated their other virtues.
1989 führt Shimano eine neue Variante Biopace HP (High Performance) ein, die noch runder als das ursprüngliche Biopace Design war. Sie wurde an Fahrradfahrer vermarktet, die in Gruppen fahren und [[Klickpedal]]e nutzen. Das erzeugte aber keine Wende in der Marketingproblematik.

In 1989, Shimano introduced a new variant, Biopace HP (High Performance), more nearly round than standard Biopace. This was marketed to cyclists who race in packs and use clipless pedals, but did not overturn the marketing problem.

Among other bikes, I run Biopace on several of my fixed-gear machines, where high cadences are quite common in descending hills. In practice I have found no less ability to spin fast with Biopace chainrings, and, if anything, they permit me to spin faster without bouncing in the saddle.
Among other bikes, I run Biopace on several of my fixed-gear machines, where high cadences are quite common in descending hills. In practice I have found no less ability to spin fast with Biopace chainrings, and, if anything, they permit me to spin faster without bouncing in the saddle.
