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Most modern bicycles use derailer (or dérailleur, if you prefer the French spelling) gearing systems. Gear shifting is accomplished by leading the chain from one sprocket to another.
Die meisten modernen Fahrräder haben eine [[Kettenschaltung]]. Gangwechsel werden durch das Führen der kette von einem Zanhrad zum nächsten durchgeführt.

Derailers look complicated, but they are actually very simple, brute-force devices, especially front derailers.
Schaltwerke und Umwerfer sehen komliziert aus, sind tatsächlich aber sehr einfache Mechaniken, die nach der Brecheisenmethode funktionieren. Das trifft insbesondere auf [[Umwerfer]] zu.  

They simply consist of a cage made of sheet metal that can move back and forth from side to side. Older front derailers had the cage mounted on a simple sliding plunger, but modern ones use a parallelogram linkage for reduced friction and better tracking of the chainrings.
Sie bestehen einfach aus einem Käfig, der aus einem Stück Metall gebogen ist, die man hin und her von einer Seite zur anderen bewegen kann. Ältere Umwerfer hatten den Käfig an einem einfachen gleitenden Kolben montiert. Moderne Umwerfer haben ein Parallelogrammgelenk mit reduzierter Reibung und bessere Führung entlang der [[Kettenblatt|Kettenblätter]].

Front derailers work by pushing the chain sideways, so that it runs at an angle onto the chainring, instead of straight. When the angle becomes sharp enough, the chain can no longer mesh with the chainring. It then falls off of the chainring and lands on the next one down.
Umwerfer funktioieren so, dass sie die Kette seitwärts drücken und diese dann in einem Winkel statt gerade auf dem Kettenblatt verläuft. SObald der Winkel scharf genug wird, kann sich die Kette nicht mehr mit dem Kettenblatt verbinden und fällt herunter auf das Nächstkleinere.

Chainring Ramps and PinsWhen the chain is being shifted from a smaller chainring to a larger one, it is slightly different. The chain is forced to rub against the side of the larger chainring next to the one it is riding on. Eventually, it gets snagged on the sides of the teeth of the larger sprocket, and yanked up and away.
When the chain is being shifted from a smaller chainring to a larger one, it is slightly different. The chain is forced to rub against the side of the larger chainring next to the one it is riding on. Eventually, it gets snagged on the sides of the teeth of the larger sprocket, and yanked up and away.

Newer chainrings usually have specially shaped pins and ramps on their sides to help snag the chain for better upshifting. This is especially helpful with today's narrow chains, which do not have protruding rivet pins, like the chains used with the 5-speed freewheels of the 1970s.
Newer chainrings usually have specially shaped pins and ramps on their sides to help snag the chain for better upshifting. This is especially helpful with today's narrow chains, which do not have protruding rivet pins, like the chains used with the 5-speed freewheels of the 1970s.
