Fahrradhelme: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus WikiPedalia
Zeile 13: Zeile 13:

==Praktische und Rechtliche Aspekte==
==Praktische und Rechtliche Aspekte==
Bei den meisten Fahrradunfällen ist kein Motorfahrzeug beteiligt. Die meisten Stürze bei Fahrradunfällen - auch solche bei denen Motorfahrzeuige beteiligt sind - haben als Fallhöhe die Kopfhöhe. Diese Stürze sind in jedem Fall in der lage permanente Gehirnverletzungen oder -schäden zur Folge zu haben.  Es existieren Studeien über Helme und Verletzungswahrscheinichketen die belegen, dass Helme diese Art Verletzungen verhindern oder redzieren sollten und es auch tatsächlich machen.

Most bicycle crashes do not involve a motor vehicle, and most impacts in bicycle crashes -- even in collisions with motor vehicles -- are falls from head height. These impacts are entirely able to cause permanent brain injuries or fatalities. Studies of helmets and of injury rates show that helmets should, and do, prevent or reduce injury.

Bicyclists have a low injury and fatality rate in countries such as the Netherlands where terrain is table-flat, typical bicycle trips are short and slow, motorists are very cautious and bicyclists have priority in traffic. Still, wearing a helmet would increase safety of Dutch cyclists; and even more for other kinds of cycling and under other conditions. We recognize that the health advantages of bicycling outweigh the added risk of not wearing a helmet, but why not improve the odds?
Bicyclists have a low injury and fatality rate in countries such as the Netherlands where terrain is table-flat, typical bicycle trips are short and slow, motorists are very cautious and bicyclists have priority in traffic. Still, wearing a helmet would increase safety of Dutch cyclists; and even more for other kinds of cycling and under other conditions. We recognize that the health advantages of bicycling outweigh the added risk of not wearing a helmet, but why not improve the odds?
Zeile 27: Zeile 28:

An individual making a free-will decision to purchase and wear a helmet probably has already decided to ride a bicycle. An individual forced by law to wear a helmet may not have made that decision, and some studies show a reduction in bicycle use if helmet laws are enforced. Also, some studies that look at a population at large show no reduction in fatality rates with helmet laws. This situation has been attributed to a low actual percentage of helmet use and by some to "risk homeostasis" -- that cyclists who wear helmets might compensate by taking more risks -- which, on the other hand, can mean riding more and taking trips that would otherwise be avoided.
An individual making a free-will decision to purchase and wear a helmet probably has already decided to ride a bicycle. An individual forced by law to wear a helmet may not have made that decision, and some studies show a reduction in bicycle use if helmet laws are enforced. Also, some studies that look at a population at large show no reduction in fatality rates with helmet laws. This situation has been attributed to a low actual percentage of helmet use and by some to "risk homeostasis" -- that cyclists who wear helmets might compensate by taking more risks -- which, on the other hand, can mean riding more and taking trips that would otherwise be avoided.
==Die Geschichte des Helms==
==Die Geschichte des Helms==