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Bremsen für Tandems: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

→‎Vorderbremse/Hinterradbremse: Einrückung korrigiert
(→‎Vorderbremse/Hinterradbremse: Einrückung korrigiert)
Zeile 123: Zeile 123:
A friction-type shifter allows the captain to set the hub brake to apply the desired amount of drag, even once he or she has let go of the hub brake control. the captain then uses both hands on the rim brakes to modulate the bike's speed, and to stop if it becomes necessary.
A friction-type shifter allows the captain to set the hub brake to apply the desired amount of drag, even once he or she has let go of the hub brake control. the captain then uses both hands on the rim brakes to modulate the bike's speed, and to stop if it becomes necessary.


On a conventional solo bike, the maximum braking force is created when the front brake is being applied to the point that the rear wheel is just about to lift off the road. Since, the rear wheel has no traction in this condition, the rear brake contributes nothing to maximum braking.
On a conventional solo bike, the maximum braking force is created when the front brake is being applied to the point that the rear wheel is just about to lift off the road. Since, the rear wheel has no traction in this condition, the rear brake contributes nothing to maximum braking.
