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Schließe Dein Fahrrad ab

Version vom 14. November 2012, 08:06 Uhr von Bikegeissel (Diskussion | Beiträge) (hat „Absperrstrategie“ nach „Schließe Dein Fahrrad ab“ verschoben: Irgendwie greifbarer Titel)

Falls Du keine Möglichkeit hast, Dein Fahrrad sicher einzusperren, solltest Du tatsächlich ein ernsthaftes Schloss besitzen - wie zum Beispiel ein Kryptonite. Du solltest es natürlich nicht immer mit Dir herumtragen. Das Gewicht des typischen Bügelschlosses sollte den Unterschied zwischn einem 399€ und 1000€ Fahrrad wiederspiegeln.

Hinterlasse das Schloss einfach an der Stelle, an der Du das Fahrrad regelmäßig anschließt (z.B. am Arbeitsplatz). Du solltest für den Fall der Fälle immer ein leichtes Kabelschloss mitführen.

Wenn Du das Bügelschloss und das Kabelschloss zusammen benutzt, bist Du doppelt so gut abgesichert wie bei der Nutzung nur einer der beiden Schlösser. Jedes der beiden Schlossarten kann überwunden werden. Jedoch benötigt ein potenzieller Dieb zwei verschiedene Werkzeuge für beide Schlösser.

The cable lock will secure your front wheel to the frame and any convenient object, and the U-lock will secure your rear wheel and frame. If you have a quick-release seatpost bolt, replace it with an Allen head bolt, and stop worrying about having your saddle stolen. [If its a pre-softened Brooks titanium-rail Swallow, put a cheaper saddle on your commute bike, and then you won't worry -- John Allen]

The best cable locks are the ones that have the lock built-in, rather than relying on a padlock. The padlock is the weak link, easily cut with bolt cutters, the tool of choice for most bike thieves. A new, sharp bolt cutter will cut a cable too, but an old, worn-out one will only crush a cable.

The best U-locks, if you must carry one on the bike, are the smallest. My favorite is the Kryptonite Mini, which not all bike shops stock. The Mini is much smaller and lighter than the more popular models, but just as secure. It may be even more secure, because of the limited room to put a jack inside it. It also gives less purchase for leverage-based attacks.

People tend to buy the big clunky U-locks because they don't know how to use them properly. A U-lock should go around the rear rim and tire, somewhere inside the rear triangle of the frame. There is no need to loop it around the seat tube as well, because the wheel cannot be pulled through the rear triangle.

Some will object that felons might cut the rear rim and tire to remove the lock. Believe me, this just doesn't happen in the real world. It is indeed possible to cut the rim with a hacksaw, working from the outside to the inside, but first, the tire must be removed or cut through. It would be a lot of work to steal a frame without a usable rear wheel, the most expensive part of a bike, after the frame.

[On the other hand, a slightly longer lock would fit around the rim, and the chainstays or seatstays...or locking from the left side might make a little room because the chain doesn't get in the might need a longer lock too, for when you can't get the bike as close to a pole.

Also note, a bicycle with a single main tube instead of a top tube and down tube poses a locking challenge. Some folding bicycles have separable seatstays too, and locking the rear wheel as shown will not secure the frame. You need to pay extra attention to be sure that the lock passes through a part that can't be separated. Or take advantage of the bike's folding and take it in with you. Advocate for secure, sheltered bicycle parking at your workplace: a bicycle is as easily lost by sitting out in the weather every day, as by theft. -- John Allen]

Spoke Divider

Spoke Divider

Kryptonite lock used properly Kryptonite Mini lock securing my beloved 1916 Mead Ranger

[Think about what kind of bicycle to ride to where you must lock it up. A bicycle that looks like a junker can ride like a dream. An older frame with scratched and chipped paint is good choice. Equip it with nice but undistinguished-looking components. Let it get dirty. Sheldon's Mead Ranger is a good example. That's the original paint, or what's left of it. This bicycle is really old. (1916! -- maybe too old, it's collectible, but most thieves wouldn't understand such subtleties. In any case, this isn't a daily ride-to-work bike.).

You may be well-advised to lock your bicycle at home, especially if you must leave it in a public area such as an apartment-building basement. Even if this is inside a locked perimeter, dozens, even hundreds of people you don't know -- not only your neighbors but also maintenance crews and who knows who else, will see your bicycle there day after day. In a high-crime location, it can make sense to disable a bicycle so it can't be ridden away. This can be inconvenient, but then taking the front wheel with you isn't much trouble if you are going to be at work all day. A folding bicycle offers special opportunities along these lines. The Raleigh Twenty shown below would be very low on the priority list for a thief. -- John Allen]

[My Raleigh Twenty, brush-painted with drippy marine enamel. I left the bike here two days. I took the seatpost and saddle with me, along with the touring bag. I took the hinge key too. The red arrow points to my old Kryptonite lock, which secured the front wheel and the frame. The rear wheel is hard to access, behind the front wheel, and hard to remove, with its internal-gear hub's nutted axle -- John Allen]


Mit ein paar einfachen Regeln kannst Du einen möglichen Diebstahl Deines Fahrrads erschweren.

  1. Lasse Dein Fahrrad niemals auch nicht eine Minute aus den Augen, wenn es nicht abgeschlossen ist.
  2. Lasse Dein Fahrrad niemals über Nacht draußen stehen. Wenn das nicht anders machbar ist, denke an die Absperrstrategien weiter oben im Artikel.
  3. Schließe Dein Fahrrad an einen sicheren Gegenstand an (selbst, wenn es zum Beispiel in deime Keller steht). Stelle sicher, dass ein möglicher Dieb Dein Fahrrad nicht über einen Pfiosten heben oder diesen leicht zerbrechen kann (z.B. eine dünne Holzlatte).
  4. Benutze ein Schloss, dass Zeit und Werkzeug zum überwinden benötigt
  5. Benutze zwei verschiedene Schlösser, damit ein potenzieller Dieb mindestens zwei verschiedene Werkzeuge benötigt.
  6. Schließe Schnellspanner am Laufrädern und Sattelstütze ab oder ersetze sie durch Varianten mit Inbusschrauben.
  7. Nimm leicht mitnehmbare Gegenstände nach dem Abschließen mit. Deinen Helm kannst Du leicht am Fahrrad anschließen.


Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel Lock Strategy von der Website Sheldon Browns. Originalautor des Artikels ist Sheldon Brown.