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Kurbeln ohne Splintbefestigung: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus WikiPedalia
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Zeile 18: Zeile 18:
and how the dustcap is threaded in.
and how the dustcap is threaded in.

Cross-section showing dustcap
[[Datei:Cotterless1sm.jpg|center|Shnitt durch eine Kurbel in Vierkantaufnahme mit Staubkappe]]

Depending on the brand and model, the crank is secured onto the spindle by either a bolt or a nut. The older, more traditional crank design uses a hollow, threaded spindle. A bolt, properly called the fixing bolt, threads into the spindle. A flat washer under the bolt head is essential. Sutherland's Handbook for Bicycle Mechanics calls this crank spindle design "Type I", (Roman numeral, pronounced "type one") or in later editions, "bolt type".
Depending on the brand and model, the crank is secured onto the spindle by either a bolt or a nut. The older, more traditional crank design uses a hollow, threaded spindle. A bolt, properly called the fixing bolt, threads into the spindle. A flat washer under the bolt head is essential. Sutherland's Handbook for Bicycle Mechanics calls this crank spindle design "Type I", (Roman numeral, pronounced "type one") or in later editions, "bolt type".

End of bolt-type spindle, with bolt and washer
<center>''Ende der Vierkantwelle mit Schraube und Unterlegscheibe''
[[Datei:Bolt-typeIMG 5245sm.JPG|center|Vierkantaufnahme mit Schraube und Unterlegscheibe]]
end of bolt-type spindle, with bolt and washer
The alternate design uses a spindle with a small threaded boss protruding past the ends of the square tapered section. A nut threads onto this boss to secure the crank onto the spindle. Usually, the nut is a special nut with a built-in serrated lock washer, so that no separate washer is required. Sutherland calls this crank spindle design "Type II" (type two) or "nut type".
The alternate design uses a spindle with a small threaded boss protruding past the ends of the square tapered section. A nut threads onto this boss to secure the crank onto the spindle. Usually, the nut is a special nut with a built-in serrated lock washer, so that no separate washer is required. Sutherland calls this crank spindle design "Type II" (type two) or "nut type".
''Ende der Vierkantaufnahme mit Mitter und Gewinde. Die gefurchte Seite der Mutter drückt gegen die Kurbelaußenseite.''
[[Datei:Nut-typeIMG 5226sm.JPG|center|Vierkantaufnahme mit Mutternbefestigung]]

End of nut-type spindle. The serrated face of the nut presses against the crank.

End of nut-type spindle. The serrated face of the nut presses against the crank.
Some newer cranksets use a splined connection between the spindle and the crank. Except for a few details, crank removal and replacement are as with any bolt-type spindle.

Some newer cranksets use a splined connection between the spindle and the crank. Except for a few details, crank removal and replacement are as with any bolt-type spindle.
[[Bild:Bottom-bracket-interfaces-600x180.jpg|center|thumb|600px|Von links nach rechts: Klassische Vierkantaufnahme, [[Octalink]] V1, Octalink V2, [[ISIS]]-Aufnahme]]

splined bb spindles
==Staubkappe entfernen... außer===
==Staubkappe entfernen... außer===

