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Werkzeuge und Hilfsmittel für die Arbeit an Fahrradreifen: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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* Carrying Tools
=== Werkzeuge zum Mitnehmen ===

Except for the larger mini-pumps, which clip to the bicycle frame, all of the tools mentioned up through here -- along with a few other tools, described in our article about on-road repairs, fit in a tool bag which straps to the underside of the saddle or can be carried in another piece of baggage on the bicycle.
Except for the larger mini-pumps, which clip to the bicycle frame, all of the tools mentioned up through here -- along with a few other tools, described in our article about on-road repairs, fit in a tool bag which straps to the underside of the saddle or can be carried in another piece of baggage on the bicycle.

tool kit

Beyond this, carrying a spare folding Kevlar-bead tire or rolled-up tire will get you back onto the bicycle faster if a tire has been damaged, and allow replacement of an unrepairable tire. The Kevlar-bead tire is more compact, but the wire-bead will fit in a touring bag or pannier if rolled into three loops as shown in the video below.
Beyond this, carrying a spare folding Kevlar-bead tire or rolled-up tire will get you back onto the bicycle faster if a tire has been damaged, and allow replacement of an unrepairable tire. The Kevlar-bead tire is more compact, but the wire-bead will fit in a touring bag or pannier if rolled into three loops as shown in the video below.
