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Werkzeuge und Hilfsmittel für die Arbeit an Fahrradreifen: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus WikiPedalia
Zeile 43: Zeile 43:
== Mehr Werkzeuge und Hinweise ==
== Mehr Werkzeuge und Hinweise ==

    CO2 Cartridges Compressors Patch Kits Pressure Gauges Pumps Tire Levers Wrenches Valve Adaptors
Gehen wir nun dazu über, Werkzeuge im Detail zu erläutern. Dazu gehören natürlich auch solche, die man in der heimischen Werkstatt haben sollte.

We now move on to describe tools in more detail, also including ones for the home workshop.
While an experienced thumb and forefinger, pinching a tire, can give a rough idea of the pressure, a pressure gauge is necessary to get accurate and repeatable readings. Pressure gauges are built into some bicycle pumps. Free-standing pressure gauges are of three types :
While an experienced thumb and forefinger, pinching a tire, can give a rough idea of the pressure, a pressure gauge is necessary to get accurate and repeatable readings. Pressure gauges are built into some bicycle pumps. Free-standing pressure gauges are of three types :
Zeile 56: Zeile 55:
If you have Presta valves, it is a good idea to carry a Schrader/Presta adaptor. It is a small thing and easily lost, unless you leave it screwed onto the valve of one of your tires. You can add a Schrader valve cap.
If you have Presta valves, it is a good idea to carry a Schrader/Presta adaptor. It is a small thing and easily lost, unless you leave it screwed onto the valve of one of your tires. You can add a Schrader valve cap.

