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Das 1x1 der Trommelbremsen: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus WikiPedalia
Zeile 39: Zeile 39:
The illustration below represents cam actuation as well as two types of hydraulic actuation, which produces equal force rather than equal displacement at the brake shoes. The duplex type has, in effect, two leading shoes. The duplex type, unlike the simplex, is much less effective when the vehicle is traveling backward than when it is traveling forward. Can you see why?
The illustration below represents cam actuation as well as two types of hydraulic actuation, which produces equal force rather than equal displacement at the brake shoes. The duplex type has, in effect, two leading shoes. The duplex type, unlike the simplex, is much less effective when the vehicle is traveling backward than when it is traveling forward. Can you see why?

Drum brake types. The black crescents outside the drum
are graphs of the pressure of the brake shoes against the drum.
Illustration CC by SA 4.0 by Wikipedia contributor A7N8X, modified.
Trommelbremsentypen. Die schwarzen Halbmonde außerhalb der Trommel stellen grafisch den Druck des Bremsbelags gegen die Trommel dar.<br>
Illustration [ CC by SA 4.0] by Wikipedia contributor [ A7N8X], modified.

Drum brake types
Drum brake types

