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Tandems - Details und Technikzeugs: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
This page is a companion to my introductory Tandem Article, providing footnotes and technical details of topics briefly touched on in that, more elementary article.
Diese Seite ist ein Begleitartikel zum Grundlagenartikel über [[Tandems]] und gibt tiefergehende Informationen und technische Details wieder, die im Grundlagenartikel nur angedeutet werden.
Most tandems are set up so that the stoker's and pilot's cranks and pedals are synchronized. When the pilot's left crank is at the top of its rotation, the stoker's left crank is also straight up. This condition is called having the cranks "in phase."
Most tandems are set up so that the stoker's and pilot's cranks and pedals are synchronized. When the pilot's left crank is at the top of its rotation, the stoker's left crank is also straight up. This condition is called having the cranks "in phase."
Zeile 46: Zeile 47:
Independent gearing/independent coasting does add to the complexity and weight of a tandem, but for some riders it is worth the cost.
Independent gearing/independent coasting does add to the complexity and weight of a tandem, but for some riders it is worth the cost.

== Siehe auch ==
* [[Tandems]]
Companies providing this option include:
Companies providing this option include:
Bilenky Cycle Works
Bilenky Cycle Works
