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Kurbeln ohne Splintbefestigung: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus WikiPedalia
Zeile 104: Zeile 104:
When removing a splined crank which attaches with a larger-diameter bolt, you will need either to use a special crank puller made for this purpose, or to place an undersized bolt on the end of the spindle. This must fit entirely inside the splines of the crank.
When removing a splined crank which attaches with a larger-diameter bolt, you will need either to use a special crank puller made for this purpose, or to place an undersized bolt on the end of the spindle. This must fit entirely inside the splines of the crank.

==Der universale Kurbelabzieher von Park Tool==
==Der universelle Kurbelabzieher von Park Tool==

The closest thing to a universal crank puller is made by Park. This has a reversible, double-ended "nut," with a tip on one end for square-taper cranksets, and on the other end for splined cranksets. The wrench flats are in the middle. This tool will not fit older TA or pre-1982 Stronglight cranks, though.
The closest thing to a universal crank puller is made by Park. This has a reversible, double-ended "nut," with a tip on one end for square-taper cranksets, and on the other end for splined cranksets. The wrench flats are in the middle. This tool will not fit older TA or pre-1982 Stronglight cranks, though.
