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Kurbeln ohne Splintbefestigung: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus WikiPedalia
Zeile 89: Zeile 89:

Welches Werkzeug man sich für die Heimwerkstatt kauft, hängt von Modell und Marke der Kurbel ab. Alle haben die gleiche Gewindestigung von einem Millimeter pro Gewindegang und die meisten Kurbeln haben 22 Millimeter Durchmesser am Staubkappengewinde. Ältere T.A. Kurbeln hatten dort 23 mm und alte Stronglight Kurbeln 23,35 mm und es gibt noch weitere sehr seltene Ausnahmen. Frühe Lambert Kurbeln hatten <sup>7</sup>/<sub>8</sub> Zoll Durchmesser mit 24 TPI (22,23 mm x 1,06 mm). Wie weiter oben schon erwähnt hatten einige Campagnolo Modelle der Jahrgänge 1990 bis 1996 Staubkappen mit Linksgewinde, die glücklicherweise Kurbelschrauben mit eingebautem Kurbelabziehr hatten.

Which tool to buy depends on what brand and model of crankset you have. All use the same one-thread-per-millimeter pitch, and most cranksets have a 22 mm diameter for the dustcap threads: Older T.A. had 23 mm; and Stronglight, 23.35 mm. (There are a couple of rare exceptions: Early Lambert cranksets were threaded 7/8-inch by 24 threads per inch. As mentioned earlier, some 1990-1996 Campagnolo cranks have left-hand dustcap threads -- but these were supplied with self-extracting crank bolts)

To service a T.A. crankset, you need a T.A. puller. For Stronglight, you should really use a Stronglight puller, but the T.A. is usable with care (although it fits a bit more loosely than it should. If the crank starts to get hard to pull off, quit before you strip the threads). For any other brand, you have a wider choice available. Here are some things to keep in mind as you shop among the alternatives:
To service a T.A. crankset, you need a T.A. puller. For Stronglight, you should really use a Stronglight puller, but the T.A. is usable with care (although it fits a bit more loosely than it should. If the crank starts to get hard to pull off, quit before you strip the threads). For any other brand, you have a wider choice available. Here are some things to keep in mind as you shop among the alternatives:
