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Es ist ein schönes Gefühl, eine permanent installierte Beleuchtung an Fahrrad zu haben, die mit dem Umlegen eines Hebels funktioniert so wie man es auch vom Automobil kennt. Willkommen in der Welt des Fahrraddynamos (manchmal auch Lichtmaschine genannt).

Leute aus geburtenstarken Jahrgängen erinnern sich an klobige winselnde Apparate, die an der Seite des Reifens liefen. Das Licht flackerte und war bei geringen Geschwindigkeiten mager. Die Birnchen brannten durch, wenn man zu schnell fuhr und man wurde durch den Dynamo ausgebremst, wenn man ihn aktivierte. Und eines Tages funktionerten die Dinger plötzlich nicht mehr.

Moderne Dynamos sind diesen alten Geräten mechanisch und elektrisch weit überlegen. Sie produzieren die gleiche Stromstärke, jedoch erzeugen sie durch elektronische Ausgangssteuerung, durch erhebliche Fortschritte in der LED Technologie und Lampenoktik wesentlich besseres Licht bei allen Geschwindigkeiten - sogar wenn man anhält. Sogar wettbewerbsorientierte Ausdauerfahrradfahrer haben moderne Dynamos und LED Beleuchtung und fahren damit viele hundert Kilometer lange Wettbewerbe, die tage- und nächtelang andauern.

Vor- und Nachteile


Wartungsfrei und immer bereit! Du möchtest Deine abendliche Ausfahrt verlängern? Du bist auf reisen und kannst keine Akkus nachladen oder willst Dich nicht darum kümmern müssen? Du willst Dich nicht um neue Akkus oder Batterien kümmern müssen oder vergisst ständig Deine klemmbare Lampe einzupacken? Kein Problem!

Diebstahlsicher! Dynamos und deren Beleuchtungsanlagen sind fest am Fahrrad montiert währende Klemmlichter von jedem Passanten mitgenommen werden können. Falls notwendig können diebstahlsichere Befestigungen zur zusätzlichen Sicherung benutzt werden. Du brauchst Die Beleuchtung nicht zu demontieren und mitzunehmen, wenn Du Dein Fahrrad parkst.

Umweltschonend! Keine Batterieabfälle, keine giftigen Materialien.

Höhere elektrische Zuverlässigkeit! Die elektrischen Verbindungen am Dynamo sind normalerweise permanent. Betterielichter erleiden oft Probleme mit schlechten Verbindungen. Insbesondere davon betroffen sind Batteriekontakte oder externe Verkabelung, die häufig aus- und eingestöpselt werden.

Höhere mechanische Zuverlässigkeit! Viele Batterielichter sind vergleichsweise windige Konstruktionen, die oft nur durch kleine Plastiknasen zusammengehalten werden und an den Lenker geklemmt werden, so dass sie durch Hände oder Knie schnell aus der Position geschoben werden können. Oft verstellen sich diese Lampen schon beim Durchfahren eines Schlaglochs. Dynamolichtanlagen sind typischerweise stabiler.

Höhere Systemzuverlässigkeit! Der Häufigste Grund für den Ausfall von Batteriebeleuchtung ist ein Mangel an Batteriekapazität - entweder Wegwerfbatterien, die ausgelaugt sind, oder wiederaufladbare Akkus, die nicht (mehr) genügend geladen sind. Wiederaufladbare Akkus verlieren mit der Zeit an Kapazität und fallen oft überraschend für den Fahrer aus. Dynamos funktionieren einfach immer.


Schwieriger zu finden! Inzwischen sind Dynamos und zugehörige Lampen weniger verbreitet als Batterielichter. Durch die Änderungen des StVO 2016 sind Batterielichter unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen ebenfalls an Fahrrädern erlaubt. Daher muss man öfter zur Online-Bestellung greifen

Schwieriger zu montieren!. Seitenläuferdynamos und Rollendynamos (siehe unten) müssen ordentlich am Reifen ausgerichtet sein, um den Widerstand zu minimieren. Einen Nabendynamo muss man in ein Laufrad einspeichen. Lampen müssen festgeschraubt werden und die Verdrahtung sollte fachgerecht ausgeführt werden. Einige Geräte haben Schwierigkeiten mit Carbongabeln. Im allgemeinen kann man sagen, dass man ein wenig Mechaniker- und ein wenig Elektrikerfähigkeiten haben sollte. Wenn ein System allerdings einmal ordentlich installiert ist, gibt es wenige Probleme.

Widerstand! Das ist ein kleineres Problem, das oft überbewertet wird. Chris Juden, technischer Redakteur des "Cyclists Touring Club of Britain" hat angemerkt, dass moderne Dynamos einen Widerstand erzeugen, der einem Anstieg von etwa 3,8 Metern auf einem Kilometer (20 Fuß auf einer Meile) entspricht. Richtig gute Modelle entsprechen einem Anstieg von 1,15 Metern auf einem Kilometer (Sechs Fuß auf einer Meile). Jedoch mag das manchem weiterhin wichtig erscheinen. Ein unbeabsichtigter Test des Artikelautors Frank Krygowski zeigte, dass ein unbeabsichtig eingeschalteter Dynamo seine Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von 32 km/h auf 30 km/h reduziert hatte.

Kleinere maximale Leistung! Typische Dynamos haben eine Ausgangsleistung von drei Watt und manche Modelle leisten sogar sechs Watt. Batterielichter können bis zu 20 Watt verbrauchen. Jedoch sind moderne LEDs und sorgfältig verarbeitete Optiken bei einer Leistung von drei Watt für den Straßenbetrieb völlig ausreichend. Ein Mountainbiker wird jedoch mit Batterielichtern besser versorgt sein.

Geräusch! Seitenläuferdynamos können ein hörbares Winseln von sich geben, wo sie den reifen berühren. Die meisten anderen typen sind mehr oder weniger geräuschlos.

Durchrutschgefahr! Rollendynamos am Tretlagergehäuse montiert können durchrutschen, wenn Matsch die Reifenoberfläche bedeckt. Seitenläuferdynamos können bei starkem Regen oder Schnee durchrutschen, außer man montiert spezielle Antriebsrädchen. Nabendynamos sind immun gegen solche Probleme.

Schwierig von Fahrrad zu Fahrrad auszutauschen! Im allgemeinen benötigt man ein Dynamoset je Fahrrad, das man Nachts fahren möchte - zumindest für jedes Vorderrad.

Durchbrennende Birnchen, kein Licht wenn man stehen bleibt! Das ist ein Problem aus der (wörtlich) dunklen Vergangenheit. Moderne Lampen haben eine bessere elektrische Steuerung, ihre LEDs halten quasi ewig und eingebaute Kondensatoren lassen das Licht noch geraume Zeit leuchten, bevor es beim Anhalten ausgeht. Wenn Du keinen neuen dynamo kaufen möchtest, kannst Du Dir zumindest mit einer neuen Lampe weiterhelfen. Viele neue Lampen funktionieren auch einwandfrei mit der niedrigen Ausgangsleistung eines Sturmey-Archer Dynohubs.

Teuer! Ein moderner Dynamo kostet typischerweise etwa das doppelte eines batteriegestützten Systems mit vergleichbarer Lichtleistung.

Generator or Battery?


Generators are most likely to benefit cyclists who can't be sure how long they will be riding after dark, those touring by bicycle, or those traveling by other means with a bicycle along - for example, traveling by train, then using a bike within cities. Sport cyclists may do better with battery lights, although one survey of 750-mile Paris-Brest-Paris competitors found those using generator lights were much more satisfied than battery light users. Mountain bikers will almost always prefer battery lights.


A bicycle generator has a stationary wire coil that connects to the headlight and, sometimes, the taillight. Permanent magnets are made to rotate either by use of a roller contacting the bike tire, or because the magnets are fastened to rotating parts of the bicycle’s hub. When a magnetic field moves in the presence of an electrical conductor (e.g., a coil of wire) voltage (the electrical equivalent of pressure in a pipe) is generated in the wire. If the wire is connected to a properly selected electrical load (such as a light bulb or LED) current (the equivalent of flow in a pipe) is generated and light is produced.

The faster the rotation, the more power the generator puts out. In the past, this was a problem for ordinary bulbs, which would sometimes blow out at high speed. But improvements in electronic power regulation have solved the problem.


There are three common designs for producing the magnetic rotation to generate electricity. Each design of generator has certain advantage and disadvantages. bottle generatorBottle Generators:

These were the most common type for many years. The body of the generator is shaped somewhat like a bottle, with the drive wheel forming the bottle cap. The drive wheel leans against the sidewall of the tire (sometimes upon a special “generator drive track”) and spins the generator’s main shaft. Inside the body, the shaft rotates the magnets. The image if of a modern Busch & Müller tire-driven generator.

Advantages: This is the least expensive design. Used ones can be found for free. They are small and weigh little. They can be mounted to either the front or rear wheel. To turn the generator off, you swing it out of contact with the tire, so there is zero generator drag when it’s not in use.

Disadvantages: They usually have more drag than other designs. They tend to slip in heavy rain or snow. There’s usually some noise. Tire sidewall wear can be a concern with lightweight tires. The generator and its mounting must be carefully aligned with the bike wheel to minimize drag and wear. If the wheel is badly out of true, the generator may slip at that point. Brackets usually clamp to the fork or frame, and may not be advisable with carbon fiber. Bottom-bracket generatorThe generator and mounting clamps are very visible, and some object to the appearance. Roller (or Bottom Bracket) Generators:

These uncommon units typically mount between the cranks and rear wheel, under the bike. The roller contacts the center of the tread, not the sidewall of the tire. These are no longer made, but you may find one as new old stock or slightly used.

Advantages: Small and almost hidden, these are nearly invisible on the bike. More protected position, which may be especially valuable for some folding bikes. Zero drag when off. Contact with the tire tread prevents tire wear problems. Larger rollers produce somewhat less drag than with bottle generators Quieter than bottle units. Disadvantages: Much more tendency to slip in mud or snow. If sticky road tar (etc.) accumulates on the roller, it may cause vibration. Roller and bearing wear are hastened by road dirt. Difficult to turn on or off without dismounting. Mounting may be difficult on frames with tight space near the bottom bracket. Not compatible with a bottom-bracket mounted kickstand. Hub generatorHub generators:

These replace the normal front (or rarely, rear) hub. They are installed by building or rebuilding the wheel, unless bought as part of the wheel. Most have no extraneous moving parts, although a very few have on-off clutches to further reduce drag. Hub units are usually judged to be the best bike generators, and are rapidly gaining market share, especially as original equipment on European utility bikes, since this avoids the cost of (re)building a wheel.

The original hub generator was the Sturmey-Archer Dynohub, manufactured from 1936 through 1984. Sturmey-Archer (now of Taiwan) has introduced new Dynohub models as of 2010. Our article about Dynohubs also includes information useful with other hub generators.

The fanciest an most expensive hub generators are made by Busch & Müller, in Germany. These have a special feature which protects them from condensation of moisture inside. Models are made for different dropout spacings and wheel sizes.

Advantages: These are the most efficient and most reliable bike generators, with the least amount of drag when turned on. No possibility of slipping. Very inconspicuous on the bike, so theft resistant. The easiest generator to move from bike to bike: just trade wheels, assuming the wheel sizes are the same.

Disadvantages: The most expensive generator type, especially for aftermarket sales. They require building a wheel, which most cyclists will trust only to a bike shop. There is some drag even when turned off, although it’s negligible with the best models. Unlike with other generators, small-wheel bicycles may need a different model hub unit, since wheel rotational speed is different. (Tire tread speed is not affected by wheel size, so this is not a worry for bottle or roller units.) Some hub units produce a very slight vibration in the handlebars at certain speeds. Some headlight flicker may be visible at super-slow (walking) speed -- but this is actually an advantage because more light is produced than if the power output were steady.

Montage und Verkabelung von Dynamos

As noted above, installation of any generator and its headlight requires more mechanical skill than installing a clamp-on battery light. A bit of electrical knowledge is handy as well. Here are some tips and considerations.

Mounts must be very solid for bottle and roller units. Loctite or other thread-lockers are a good idea. Bottle units should mount in front of, not behind, the fork blade or chainstay for insurance against jamming in the spokes.

Bottle units come in right- or left-side versions. Proper choice ensures the unit swings properly into contact with the tire and/or doesn't cause excess drag.

Double-wire all generators. Electricity always requires a conductive path (a wire) to the light, and a return path to the generator to complete the circuit. Many old bottle generators used the metal of the bike frame as the return path, with a pointed screw digging through the paint to bite into the metal bike frame. This was a frequent source of trouble. It’s much better to run two wires, one being the “hot” and the other the “ground.” (Hub generators come with double wires.) two-conductor zip cord works fine for generator wires. A carbon-fiber fork or frame does not conduct electricity, and so double wiring is absolutely necessary.

Don’t mix up the two wires! Some folks have double-wired as above, but connected the “hot” wire to ground. Everything will look fine, but you'll get no light! Pay careful attention to the two different colors of your wires, and to where each is connected.

Control your wires. Straighten them before installing them - no kinks or bends - and run them in a neat line, perhaps along the back edge of the fork, or following the brake or shift cables. Use zip ties to keep them tight to the frame, or to tie them to the cable housings. Leave just enough slack at the proper place to let the forks pivot. The illustration below shows wiring of a Shimano generator.

Wiring a Shimano hub generator

Hub generators need a switch. Since the magnets are always rotating with the hub, it’s normal for hub generator headlights to have an on-off switch. If you wish to use a non-switched headlight, your choices are to either add a switch to the circuit or to always ride with the light on - a Daytime Running Light. Bottles and rollers don’t need a switch.

Bottles and rollers need careful alignment. Roller generators must be accurately parallel to the bike wheel, but this is often guaranteed by the bike frame and generator mount. The axis of rotation of a bottle generator must intersect the axis of rotation of the bike wheel. This requires careful alignment.

Also, the roller must not run on a portion of the tire sidewall that has lumps, such as molded-in letters. Some tires feature “generator [or dynamo] tracks” on their sidewalls, smooth tracks except for a fine file thread. A few bottle generators have rubber rollers that can run on a rim’s braking surface. These are very quiet and less prone to slip.

Additional connections. A generator may also be used to charge a lamp for night-time use when bicycle camping, or a cell-hone or GPS unit -- more about this is in our article Riding with RidewthGPS.

What about carbon fiber? The popularity of plastic bikes has especially complicated the fitting of bottle generators. Clamping to carbon fiber forks or seatstays is seldom recommended. Custom brackets may be needed, if indeed the project is possible. Hub generators avoid this problem; and as a general rule, if you can afford a carbon fiber frame, you can afford a hub generator!

Think about your headlight position. Headlights on handlebars are quite popular, but there are better choices. Mounting a headlight at about 25" to 30" above the ground - at the fork crown or on a front rack - allows the beam to skim the road much like a car’s headlight beam. Potholes show up better as dark spots, rocks and bumps show up brightly, and there’s less glare in your eyes when it rains or snows. There’s also less wire to accidentally snag, less interference with handlebar bags or a rain cape, and more room on your handlebars for your cyclometer, GPS, compass and Mickey Mouse bell! Some headlights have better beam patterns than others, so also see our article on headlight choices.

On lights and optics

Bicycle lighting has come a long way as bulb design has improved. Into the 1970s, bike lights - whether generator or battery powered - used plain incandescent bulbs, which were never very bright and got dimmer over time. Those lights were marginal at best, perhaps really adequate only as “being seen” lights for use in well-lit city streets.

Halogen bulbs came on the scene in the late 1970s. They were much brighter than competing incandescent bulbs and did not dim over time. Simultaneously, it became possible to buy bike headlamps with optics that directed the light properly onto the road, similar to motor vehicle headlights. Since light was not wasted into the trees overhead, one could spot potholes and road debris. Cyclists were also more visible to motorists.

In the 1980s, the first LED taillights appeared. These red “blinkies” were much more energy efficient than even halogen bulbs, allowing small batteries to last a full season. Their rapid blinking soon became the common signal that a bike was on the road. But bright LEDs were available only in red.

In the 2000s, a Nobel-Prize-winning development allowed powerful white LEDs. Since then, white LED efficiency has been soaring year by year, producing ever more light from a given amount of electricity. It’s now possible for a battery powered bike light to shine as bright as a car’s high beam headlight. Even generator lights can now be literally blinding.

In the U.S., bike lights are almost totally unregulated, with only a vague minimum standard (“visible at 500 feet”). It’s technically legal to own a light so bright it blinds oncoming motorists, and is even worse for oncoming cyclists on multi-user paths. Germany, however, has long recognized the benefits of proper optical design. By contrast, the German StVZO standard specifies minimum light levels at different positions within a headlight beam, and a maximum brightness above the “cutoff” to prevent blinding others. The world’s best road bike headlights are those that meet the StVZO standard, whether the lights are generator or battery powered.

The benefits are perhaps greatest for generator lights. The efficiency of modern white LEDs and the efficiency of StVZO headlight beams allow luxurious road illumination when powered by a modern generator. And as LED technology improves even more, this situation will get even better!


One final tip: Some overconfident cyclists venture out at night with only flea-sized lights or none at all. On the other hand, some cyclists fear night riding, and compensate with huge arrays of blinding lights and distracting strobes. How to tell what’s really reasonable?

Perhaps the best way is to enlist the help of friends! Take your bike to your usual night-riding environment, whether city, suburb or country. Have a friend ride your bike while you observe, first as a pedestrian then by driving past in a car. Be sure to check from various angles and directions. This will tell you whether your lights (and don’t forget reflectors!) are making you sufficiently visible.

Then trade the favor with your friend. You'll be glad you did!

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Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel Generators for bicycle lighting von der Website Sheldon Browns. Originalautoren des Artikels sind Frank Krygowski und John Allen.