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Sturmey-Archer SW Drei-Gang-Naben: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zeile 172: Zeile 172:
What constitutes abuse of these hubs? Clearly the design is not as robust as an AW hub and cannot take the abuse doled out from, say, the typical teenager. A reasonably mature adult rider should be able to obtain good service from the hub provided a few precautions are taken. Many people warn against standing up to pedal. I would also add that the chain ring/sprocket combination not differ much from the "standard" 46/18 offered on the bike. I use my 1958 Robin Hood for a relatively short urban commute and am using a 48/19 combination and I have dented the low-r pawls from aggressive acceleration (not standing). However, I also have a Hercules with a 44/19 combination that is pretty smooth and reliable after about a thousand miles of commuting (I have yet to examine its pawls). I would add, also, that unless the bicycle provides a practical means for your particular style of riding, I wouldn't bother riding it. To paraphrase Sheldon 's quote of Victor Hugo: "The useful is as useful as the beautiful", or as my ever-practical father-in-law would quip, "I didn't buy it to look at it!"
What constitutes abuse of these hubs? Clearly the design is not as robust as an AW hub and cannot take the abuse doled out from, say, the typical teenager. A reasonably mature adult rider should be able to obtain good service from the hub provided a few precautions are taken. Many people warn against standing up to pedal. I would also add that the chain ring/sprocket combination not differ much from the "standard" 46/18 offered on the bike. I use my 1958 Robin Hood for a relatively short urban commute and am using a 48/19 combination and I have dented the low-r pawls from aggressive acceleration (not standing). However, I also have a Hercules with a 44/19 combination that is pretty smooth and reliable after about a thousand miles of commuting (I have yet to examine its pawls). I would add, also, that unless the bicycle provides a practical means for your particular style of riding, I wouldn't bother riding it. To paraphrase Sheldon 's quote of Victor Hugo: "The useful is as useful as the beautiful", or as my ever-practical father-in-law would quip, "I didn't buy it to look at it!"
===Freilaufen lassen===
===Freilaufen lassen===
Du solltest aus drei Gründen, weniger freilaufen lassen.
# Es ist kein Ausdruck guten Fahrstils.
# Freilaufen lassen verschleißt die Spitzen der Sperrklinken. Je weniger das passierte, desto besser.
# Wenn man oft freilaufen lässt, werden die Sperrklinken oft bewegt, was die Chancen von Beschädigung und Verschleiß erhöht.

You are better-off limiting the amount of coasting for three reasons. First, it's not good cycling form. Second, coasting wears the pawl tips, and the less that occurs, the better. Third, if you coast frequently, you will also be engaging pawls frequently, thus increasing the chances for damage and wear.

